Polska wersja
  1. Company does not recruit seafarers younger than 18 years.
  2. Company treats all seafarer as customers and does not charge seafarers for recruitment costs, although own seafarer costs of travel to the office while they are applying for employment are not refunded .
  3. Costs of basic seaman's documents i.e. passport, national Polish seaman's book, STCW documents appropriate to the rank - remain sefarer's costs. Company may however consider reimbursement of these costs at own discretion .
  4. Company makes sure that shipowners have the means to protect seafarers from being left unattended in foreign port.
  5. Our Client's (Employers/ Ow11ners ) undertake to insure fully with P&I Club all seafarers on board since their home departure till their repatriation to their home airport/town. Furthermore, to effect coverage for industrial injury and death as per the terms of the employment agreement.
  6. Company offers to seafarer's families all possible advises they may need (within legal possibilities and not against seafarer's will ) and company guarantees that seafarer's families requests and information addressed to seafarers will be passed to them at no cost without delay.
  7. Company does not create any mechanisms intended to prevent seafarers from getting employment in accordance to their qualification.
  8. On-board complaint procedure form (including required contact details) is always handed over to seafarer before his joining vessel.
  9. Company makes sure that seafarer will have a chance to read and get familiar with all condition of seafarer contract of employment agreement before signing.
  10. Company has a complaint procedure in place for handling of seafarer complaints. Seafarer complaint form shall be made available on company website and shall form part of company MLC 2006 compliance statement.
  11. Company informs the seafarer about possibilities of voluntary contribution to Polish national social security system and inform seafarers whether they covered by other country social security system prior signing seafarer employment agreement.
  12. Employment on board of vessels flying the flag of the state, which did not ratify the MLC 2006 shall be notified to seafarer and possible problems clearly identified.
  13. Company reserves its right to report to appropriate authorities in Poland cases of significant incompetence, criminal acts and serious breaches of discipline during the seafarer's employment period. Reporting can be done after thorough case study only.

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